A little Fat and Collapsing Trachea

If your dog is having trouble breathing and you are looking here to find out if he/she has collapsing trachea we want to show you how as little as 2.5 pounds overweight can cause problems for your little one. Rhett is only 2.5 pounds over weight in these x-rays. If you look at these x-rays of him you can see how the fat has built up around his body and even under his neck putting pressure on his trachea.

We advise that you talk with your vet about putting your pet on a diet. One diet that we recommend and have had success with is Solid Gold Holistique Blenz. It is a low protein vegetarian based diet and the fat seems to melt away once they are on it. If you go to solidgoldhealth.com on the internet and put in your zip code they will give the names of the stores in your area.

A yorkie needs only 30 calories per day per pound so you can also weigh and measure your food to make sure that you are not over feeding your baby.

Everyone likes to give their baby’s treats so try, green beans or carrots raw or cooked, rice cakes pieces. A little apple. Treats are nice in very small amounts but keeping to your dogs diet will help to keep his little system operating normally.

Extra lap time and play time goes a long way in showing how much you love him/her.








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